I have been working very hard over the July 4th weekend on a new art doll inspired by Joyce Cloutman's workshop, and some new encaustic pieces for the upcoming "Waxy 100" exhibit that will start in August. Since the due date for artwork is July 30th, I decided to get started now. Up to 5 pieces per artist will be admitted. I am excited to be able to

participate in this. Anyway, here is the new doll. She is made from wire armature, polymer clay and encaustic wax.
Also, my friend Denise came over on Saturday to play with encaustic wax, and that is when I completed some wax pieces and started on a few more. This particular

piece was something entirely different, but after scraping off the parts that did not work, I found this abstract was what it wanted to be. That is the way a lot of things turn out for me-I have something in mind

, but the piece decides how it will turn out in the end. The piece on the left is actually my favorite of the ones that were completed this weekend, and I may just have to hang on to it for myself. We will see. Here are pictures of the other two that were completed. I still have to add the D-rings and braided wire for

hanging, then they will be ready for the wall.